Tips for Removing Smoke Odor from Your Home

Smoking is evidently injurious to your health, but it also affects the people around you as you carry the stench of the smoke on you. The odor sticks to arms, neck, clothes and even shoes, absorb the smell from the smoke from cigarette.Cigarette smell can be hard to get through to, below are .

Stepwise method of removing odor

  1. Remove all the ashtray and any other residue of the cigarette that is causing this discomforting odor. Check the home or room thoroughly for all possible stench causing things and dump them in the trash.
  2. Open up all the doors and windows let in fresh air into the house, this will not complete eliminate the odor. But this is only a start in the process of removing the odor from the house, during winter, try and leave it open for a few minutes and during summers try to leave open during the entire noon till evening.
  3. Room or air fresheners, scented candles, use them after the above two steps, this will help cover the smell. As these are available is a wide variety of flavors and work quite well against odors that cause irritation or discomfort to us.
  4. After all of the above, just endure in keeping your home or room clean. Wash the bedding, bed covers and furniture covers regularly to eliminate the residual smell that is left by the smoke of cigarettes.

The above mentioned steps will help you eliminate the medium levels of cigarette odors at home. The tough and rigid smell can be very difficult to remove as it involves re-painting or changing furniture and other bigger tasks.

Easy Hacks: Use charcoal briquettes and place them around the house as they absorb odor. Vinegar too works wonders in eliminating odors. Also sprinkle baking soda on carpets to suck in the odor from the carpets.